Making a Fresh Start at the Philadelphia Shambhala Center

September 7th

Date details +
    Room: Main Shrine Room


    How can we create a meditation center that fully reflects who we are as a community now, not five, ten or fifteen years ago?

    • Who are the teachers we are currently most excited about studying with? 
    • What are the teachings and practices that sustain us?
    • Who are the people, of any tradition or religion, who we find inspiring?
    • What chants best express who we are right now? 
    • What community gatherings do we find most nourishing?


    Please join members of the Central Governing Circle on Saturday September 7th, from 1:00 to 3:00, to create a vivid picture of where we are right now. 

    This is the first of several gatherings. Once we launch the conversation, we’ll address more questions as they come up.

    Finally, we’ll all work together to make the changes that respond best to everything we’ve heard.

    The members of the Central Governance Circle heartily invite you to be a part of this fresh start. If you can't attend that meeting, you can email, text or call Alexander deVaron at any time at [email protected]