First Sunday Extended Sitting Meditation (In person)
First Sunday
Extended public sitting
You are welcome to join us for an extended period of public sitting on the first Sunday of the month from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. This is an opportunity to enrich your practice, add contemplation practice to your repertory, and meet your fellow meditators. A meditation instructor will be available during the 10:00 to 11:00 period for individual instruction. All meditation sessions are free of charge, though donations are welcome.
9:30 Opening Chants and brief guided meditation
10:00 Silent Sitting Meditation & Walking Meditation
11:00 Short Reading and Contemplation
11:45 Concluding Chants
12:00 Coffee, Bagels and Conversation
As always, it is not necessary to stay for the whole session.
Registration is not required, but we would love to know that you are planning to be there!
UPDATED Health guidelines – as of October 21, 2022, the policy for in person events at the Center is: Masks are optional. They are welcomed and encouraged for the protection of yourself and others. Vaccination is not required. If you are not feeling well and/or are symptomatic: please stay home and take care of yourself.